May 19, 2009
May 18, 2009
May 17, 2009
17 maggio
è una bella giornata con un po' di vento. il vento fa muovere gli arbusti non molto grandi che escono dalle aiuole delle strade private. via betti da una parte. su cui danno le finestre. vorrei non morire in questo momento e che non crollasse la casa. altre cose essenziali: bere del caffè.
è una bella giornata con un po' di vento. il vento fa muovere gli arbusti non molto grandi che escono dalle aiuole delle strade private. via betti da una parte. su cui danno le finestre. vorrei non morire in questo momento e che non crollasse la casa. altre cose essenziali: bere del caffè.
103 minutes
we shouldn't place too much emphasis on medical fire. we shouldn't toast the slice of bread. we shouldn't say that blue ice is a unique game. we shouldn't have a nice week. we shouldn't use the hand icon to annihilate the paper plane display. we shouldn't enlarge dots. we shouldn't desire to master correct pronunciation. we shouldn't fuse and unify. we shouldn't play manipulations on the genes. we shouldn't worry about global warming. we shouldn't breed rabbits for free. we shouldn't spend all of our time sleeping. we shouldn't use fluvoxamine in the spirit of self-deprivation. we shouldn't prosecute those who gave the legal advice. we shouldn't suffer from sleep deprivation. we shouldn't read of women clinging to their men and attempting to guide them to the bedroom. we shouldn't be allowed to rule the nation. we shouldn't have to pay too much for health. we shouldn't eat the living dead. we shouldn't be confused. we shouldn't drink ginseng and orange juice at the same time. we shouldn't sit round the fire talking. we shouldn't erase the plinths and the boundaries. we shouldn't sleep on a pillow-top. we shouldn't be able to sleep soundly. we shouldn't complain about the neighborhood. we shouldn't leave the job without first finding another. we shouldn't mask the ongoing, real inflation picture. we shouldn't act strongly or quickly enough. we shouldn't have embarked on a war. we shouldn't be surprised. we shouldn't seem to live in an era of strategic stupidity. we shouldn't have dialogue. we shouldn't expect the same relationship between hollywood and the vatican. we shouldn't have the right to comment at all. we shouldn't take this too seriously, though. we shouldn't become non-executive directors. we shouldn't just be shocked. we shouldn't take action to change. we shouldn't be eaten.
quaternary period garden furniture life cycle
non mi sono mai divertito tanto. akihitoの日
OOO, go rhino sumatra
3000 series stepguard only, change control --for decor dolphin subwoofer idea
cowgirl lyric hatena feels like air shaker bamboo hotel furniture,
___________ sudd. problems with workers at disney world:
storage (28), absorbing (5), acid indigestion (1), adding allergy (2), aluminum (1)
9:20:00 manual krapfen konvention needs a front projector
tzuki lead singer on the bridge of sighs in dansko shoes
OOO, go rhino sumatra
3000 series stepguard only, change control --for decor dolphin subwoofer idea
cowgirl lyric hatena feels like air shaker bamboo hotel furniture,
___________ sudd. problems with workers at disney world:
storage (28), absorbing (5), acid indigestion (1), adding allergy (2), aluminum (1)
9:20:00 manual krapfen konvention needs a front projector
tzuki lead singer on the bridge of sighs in dansko shoes
trama (1)
dan miller, comunista televisivo, viene inviato in aeroporto per l'arrivo di un noto scienziato atomico. dopo svariate vicende, superate con la moglie pepita, dan si ritrova circondato da mostri in un luna park. dalle ruote scendono esseri mostruosi che si scoprono esseri tecnici di una centrale nucleare colpiti da una fuga radioattiva. l'unico modo per uccidere i mostri è quello di sparargli in testa proiettili d'oro.
May 8, 2009
when snoopy skull came to town
a charming little plastic box, dismantled and sold for scrap metal by evil forces on a mission to prague, told us modern christmas traditions are based on ancient mushroom-using shamans.
sad ruthenium!
great soviet helmets hug huge symbolic landscape epoques. titans die.
the tycho ufo league convinced us we ought to swim. then the dynosaurs swallowed the hot waters of the lake.
it's sad when i hear people comparing this to the prequel "police on the lookout for joyriding aliens". the dew is on the hill. strange devices disable cars when owners are late with monthly payment. mars agents get into their homes, dressed in black, wearing black sunglasses, they destroy the doors, freeze the furniture, eat all the beans in the house, dance & fart, then disappear.
for beginners, there is the artificially-flavored sad machine singing on the corner. this entity promises to destroy life on earth. bullet shaped heads eat cia X pills.
a stack of paranoid lizards were thrown into the sun. they founded the aztec empire one million years ago. they were called "capricorn anubis zorro".
sad ruthenium!
great soviet helmets hug huge symbolic landscape epoques. titans die.
the tycho ufo league convinced us we ought to swim. then the dynosaurs swallowed the hot waters of the lake.
it's sad when i hear people comparing this to the prequel "police on the lookout for joyriding aliens". the dew is on the hill. strange devices disable cars when owners are late with monthly payment. mars agents get into their homes, dressed in black, wearing black sunglasses, they destroy the doors, freeze the furniture, eat all the beans in the house, dance & fart, then disappear.
for beginners, there is the artificially-flavored sad machine singing on the corner. this entity promises to destroy life on earth. bullet shaped heads eat cia X pills.
a stack of paranoid lizards were thrown into the sun. they founded the aztec empire one million years ago. they were called "capricorn anubis zorro".
May 4, 2009
May 2, 2009
May 1, 2009
sua vita prima del suo arrivo
gli ha rubato un pezzo di dna per fare gli occhi dolci, sollevò l'arma con forza, nel silenzio della piazza, il maestro s'indignò e disse loro, dov'è finito ora l'aquilone, dovrete usare il registratore su di voi, hank e martin vanno nell'interzona, una stanza alla moda dalle pareti ricoperte di pelle lavorata e dorata, ghost tenta di investirli con la sua moto, ma il divoratore tomoki ha dei sospetti sui due e li segue, arrivando alla villa li sente parlare con eva, l'imperatore pazzo ha un'impetuosa creatura alata grigia, dei porri in scatola per mowgli, e i papaveri falliformi scendono bene sul vestito, sauvignon
problemi morali dei legislatori
un veterano della wehrmacht inizia ad uccidere delle spogliarelliste, il secondo fine è far recensire un libro di poesie che non capisce, chiede aiuto al suo maestro, che si finge neurologo, scrive all'amata, di nazionalità belga, si infila in una concessionaria della volkswagen, è il proprietario di un motel, scrive un messaggio su un lenzuolo, un grazie cumulativo a chi mi vuole bene, a chi mi pensa ogni tanto, aziona un lanciafiamme, irrompe nella stanza e proietta l'ombra sul pavimento, dei sassolini legati a delle cordicelle suonano lievemente, kondark, trasformato in mostro dal conte, riesce a guadagnare un po' di tempo, la botola si spalanca, esce un gendarme del settimo distretto di polizia municipale, invalido, ma con gli altri agenti, nei cappucci non vi è alcun volto, indossano armature nere, con una serie di scenografie le donne, seguite dai musici, portano quattro ghirlandette di narcisi bianchi, sospese a un filo d'oro che le lega assieme, cerchiamo di conoscere meglio questo politico inglese, no non ci interessa, la cena è pronta, andiamo.
for fear of scorpions, spiders and other things that run upon the ground
oh, you fooled me!
ah, you made me think you gonna fix things and now i'm not so sure.
heavy contamination of surfaces, particularly around warm areas.
you need to understand deep down that meat eaters are not evil.
post-production boutique hosts uncle depression or pits.
all the tears that i've cried.
you told me this, you told me that.
add two numbers of vastly different magnitudes.
when you find a company which is new in the business you find catarrhal, rheumatic and other complaints, caused by exposure to damp cold weather .
macintosh has lots of software.
is there another solution to remove the water that will creep back in?
trapped in a london subway station.
the wind pushes them across the ground surface.
periods between maintenance.
lids, lamp tops and walls.
with the help of muscles.
galileo was the first to write sensibly about this.
ah, you made me think you gonna fix things and now i'm not so sure.
heavy contamination of surfaces, particularly around warm areas.
you need to understand deep down that meat eaters are not evil.
post-production boutique hosts uncle depression or pits.
all the tears that i've cried.
you told me this, you told me that.
add two numbers of vastly different magnitudes.
when you find a company which is new in the business you find catarrhal, rheumatic and other complaints, caused by exposure to damp cold weather .
macintosh has lots of software.
is there another solution to remove the water that will creep back in?
trapped in a london subway station.
the wind pushes them across the ground surface.
periods between maintenance.
lids, lamp tops and walls.
with the help of muscles.
galileo was the first to write sensibly about this.
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