and all my train," quoth she,~Unless my
16 X| preserve and shield,~And for it nearer
33 XVII| canst descry.~ ~ IV~When Egypt from the Greekish emperor~
34 XVII| squadrons first the men of Egypt show, "till Egypt's lord~In aid of ooon's
30 XVII| Seventeenth book~ Egypt's great host in battle-ray
31 XVII| dada's realm,~The Prince of Egypt war 'gainst you prepare,~To Egypt's king himself he close
14 X| meant to take his way,~Should us disarmed
22 XII| maids,~No plant in Pharaoh'
5 II| stranger came he late to Egypt land,~Built near the sea,~Shall fill all Asia
18 X| Nor aught but aid from Egypt land is left:~ ~ XXXVI~"
19 X| that Egypt's promised succors fail
20 X| hour~That it be raised by Egypt's aid and power.~ ~ XLIV~"
21 X| Whose guide,~Or other nations that
11 V| And kill their kings from Egypt unto Inde, Vafrin the spy~Entereth
38 XVIII| well did know~The host of Egypt to be proaching near, the world the field,~From Egypt come they all,siege I well foresee~From Egypt will the Pagans succored
2 I| spial was assured,~Egypt the headland is, and
35 XVII| land the plough to bide,~To Egypt then conducted safely see~
23 XIII| them vanquish first, then Egypt's crew~Destroy them quite,~Go thou to Egypt,~Till Egypt's host come to renew the
17 X| prince that shall in fertile Egypt won,~From Egypt's king ambassadors they
4 II| That now his branches over Egypt spread,
32 XVII| Strong garrison the king of Egypt placed,~
8 II| walk by night, as men to Egypt ride,
24 XIII| Like those which priests of Egypt erst instead~Of letters
25 XIII| seven-mouthed Nile that yields all Egypt drink,~I saw him
10 V| soon, this lets
13 IX| which availed him naught,~From Cynthia'
12 V| bears the load uneath, a baron bold to Egypt's king,~To quench their thirst
26 XV| And setting sail behold on Egypt's coast~The monarch's ships
27 XV| half his bands.~ ~ XIII~"Of Egypt only these the forces are,~The host of Egypt comes, if forces come from Egypt land,~Where Egypt's king assembled all his
15 X| XI~"But now to visit Egypt's mighty king,~In four troops,~And there advanced
6 II| acts,~So Egypt still increased, where heaped
7 II| and gold,~The answer
9 III| court of France~When I from Egypt went ambassador, within
36 XVII| seemed it so much grain~In Egypt grew as to sustain them
37 XVIII| forest old,~To, I at Sion stay,~
28 XV| they from Syria pass to Egypt land:~The sterile coasts
29 XVI| hence,~That Egypt's King was forward on his
3 II| friendship in their face