March 30, 2009

all sorts of cool things since it touched down on the red planet a few months ago

bombay peaceville and sweet potato pies _ dorothy saying good-bye _ a nice little interview _ inexplicable joy _ processes are illustrated by the example of radioactive decay of the radium family isotopes _ it is your reference guide to 90210 episodes _ it's saddam's sadness _ sad adam says i got trapped by freud's mailbox _ fallout _ fall to a lower level _ the coffee tasted so rancid and bitter that one sip was more than enough _ she was going to be a policewoman _ her nickname was the phoenix _ the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil _ and the news keep coming _ nervous breakdown, nessie, net-neutrality, neuroscience hints, optical illusion, optimism, oral sex, zoo-based population of spider monkeys, inedible seeds, sulfadimethoxine 50 mg, the supreme court of brass cemetery prometheus _ a short trip to instanbul _ byron trampled under boots, he said you should come, and bring your friends, to sip vodka tonics against diarrhea soap's acarology _ whirlers and narrators suck, while decca stores get unwillingly crowded _ crowdness exhausts zephyr's polar morgue _ dilate eyes _ we were, first of all, looking for a place where we could grow _ if you will keep the vines in the almond bunker you'll see the patrols won't handle the guerrilla situation _ too tired to be ashamed of it _ planet descends into the star _ the martian troops stole sheep and butchered civilians _ brazil occupies trinidad _ halt tooth decay _ an orgy of werevowels _ intoxicated college students make sex with worms _ free audio clip here


[ first published in surrism]

March 29, 2009


qual è il personaggio più simpatico del vangelo?
vota su famiglia cristiana . it

dot dot

two katana swords

recommendations on almost all pictures:

- basically imagine something like a monkey whining

- making big money

- a cup of coffee

- gospel songwriters get lost into the depth of the guinea jungle

- suicidal toys conducting a concerto

- priests harm spiders

- they eat smooth pink plastic toasts

- refrigerate for 30 minutes

- garlic o'brian is miles away from home, away from direct light

- eggs mixture on dharma tits = the sharp communist lieder-eater's handbook

- ions and birds dancing in lego accelerators

oplinger opperman ops opsplng optimiza opto opus

.. silkworm=>745595676 silly=>745559 silva=>745382 simile=>7461453 simon=>746266 simony=>74665639 ..... decatur=>33262887 decca=>3329252 deceive=>33230483 decency=>33023629 ...... singsong=>746747664 sinlessness=>746537976377 sinuous=>74686787 sip=>747 ...... decathlon=>3322084566 decay=>393229 deception=>3323778466 decile=>3320453 ...

March 23, 2009

rage apnea

now i live in montpellier which is in the south.
south is good for independent wrestling.
st raphael usually knows what happens in my town.
away from monaco, including photos and reviews.
devote your time to visiting some of the best respected museums of the lollipop.
5 compartments, 1 with zip closure.
12 compartments for cards.
that is a nice place to live.
i think you can totally live here with 2500 dogs.
white tents and hundreds of barking hounds.
planting epithelial segments of rabbit intestine.

March 22, 2009


— Le tre cagne, 337 — Ritratto melanconico; Ritratto in stasi; Miss E. Stuart. 3W> — O nhicrlia: La signora dal
rosso, 353 — Giovane in grigio-azzurro; Tipo giudaico, vischio, 357 — C. Oswald : Ritratto di un artista; Con.
339 — Il buon sorriso, 360 — Ritratto del senatore Talna, certo, 3(>8 — « Mon àme en est triste à la Ini >, 3fi'l — La
351 —Ritratto di signora, 363 — A. Micheli ; Ritratto della donna e la lanterna, .•/« — D. Rambelli : Antonio Bcrt ;
signora F. P.. 3ti3 — Piccolo alpinismo, 364 — Signorina Una straniera; Profilo di donna; LTna ragazza plebea, 371
M. Chiari ; Miss Eva Cleveland ; Mr. Garden ; Mrs, N. R, — Un uomo malato ; Targhetta ; Medaglia, 372.

March 21, 2009

pozzi diroccati nei combattimenti

Una pompa sacra della dea Cibele ftuvnl li — Ln c.isa

dal lapillo; Restaurando il piano superiore

Parcliitrave, 345 — Portone trovato semiaperto, 346 — di Lucrezio Caro, 353 — L'Apollo della Casa dei Vcttii,

Architrave con divinità affrescate, 347 — Arco di Caligola, 35L

Sabine- molliti e [lici ole .li fichi d'India. 13'».


March 17, 2009

March 16, 2009

March 15, 2009


twenty weird things about water

fill one bucket with hot water and the other one with cold pieces of frozen bodies. pharmacologists' ones fit well. we need to eat thumb bones. i do admit that money can make people do strange things made of carbon dioxide ice as well as aluminum. please contact us to notify of content that infringes your rights and reduces our pain levels, even slightly.

the list might include: 1. bottles filled with science. 2. ghosts of the cold war.

on the other side of the world: betty botte wanted us to put the carpet up her fireplace and then go.

let's start extracting the worms.

March 13, 2009

anima semplice! è un esempio dell'anelito di chi cerca

cambia senza andare. puoi comprare un simile gioiello pur sapendo che non potrà mai.

fra il troppo e troppo poco non è indifferente al desiderio in un'economia che si espande ma non fa crescere né la gioia né il senso di sicurezza: stringeva alcuni gomitoli di lana.

cosa sarebbe, infatti, la vita senza grandi desideri? il reale non assiste. fa fare l'esperienza. contro la parzialità della ragione mi sono messo in fila, narra un antico testo. l'umanità stretta. traspare l'intuizione.

nella cultura che avanti, forti nella certezza, destinato a qualcosa di grande, oltrepassando il livello del conformismo, quando giuseppe fu venduto

March 8, 2009

March 6, 2009

girogiordano, ora, essendono, no, on

là dove io avevo nobilissime leggi, giamai questa cieca altrimenti, oracoli, quelli gittati per terra profanati, in loco loro che li nostri satiri e fauni mi vergogno nominare mercurii

donate, ordinati, comandati et instituiti

statuti, culti, sacrificii e cerimonie

statue perché son peggio

cassi et annullati

a fine che come per noi gli omini doventavano eroi, adesso dovegnano peggio che bestie

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