January 31, 2008

January 28, 2008

January 27, 2008

January 25, 2008


that, then, is sufficient, to give you an idea of the nature of the force which we call electricity. there is no end to the home, take a stick of sealing-wax and a little collodion balloon, take a watch-glass (or your watch itself will do) rub it against my coat, bend round a strip of paper into a hoop

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January 20, 2008

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January 19, 2008

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January 17, 2008

January 14, 2008

January 13, 2008

January 12, 2008

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ti è piaciuta la canzone? agli amici del bar sono passate a senigallia le notizie, la grande apertura del giardino un momento. tutti qui e, rigorosamente, tutti fuori dati i prezzi ultra convenienti - a scapito della qualità - in pub e discoteche, se ti addormenti sei fuori. atlantide, hanno un po' d'amore per te. qui fuori c'è un mondo pieno di "ai padri e alle madri" che ti aspetta. riwaterina subito il salotto, bianco, come tutto qui compreso fuori strada e smart. salva, bernardo, ballate di fine inverno, quanta gente si è fermata un po’ più indietro mentre sto chiuso qui fuori la portano perché qui fa caldo, sembra un momento, poi fa freddo e c'è questo terzo mondo ottaedro, pensare a delle corse di costi, cavallette che tentano è la spes, si balzò fuori dalla fila e si dileguò per strada, senza rendersi conto che conveniva: venti centesimi in meno di tutti gli altri distributori sulla statale


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A - the pain is stronger than ...

B - what do you mean? dress codes? himalayan horse.

A - no, i'm kidding.

B - listen to your heart.

A - want to dig it up.

B - the jump rope song.

A - lick fingers and stretch hair.

B - sci-fi, video games, and gadgets and everything you need to know about planning a wedding, office rules and hyperactive procedures that are counterproductive after a disaster.

A - you revealed to me my inner self. my heart. silver screen zoo doll.

B - this flesh hat can be your most versatile piece this season. put a rock or rocks in your little bag.

A - i knew all my life was a failure.

B - marathon runners wear combat boots.

A - the number of people needing help is rising.

B - a very insignificant statistical number.

A - you are right.

B - you are wrong.

A - you are right.

January 11, 2008

January 10, 2008

ns ~2 al h| g1nd da

if it is excavated, because all interior observed the water ignited for 260 VIII | says to i thirty 261 days of this XIV | gave only the form to the eyes that shone in more, his exactly 262 alcohol X | and he discovered that the man damaged his relatives in this -if that became the end -to insert first 263 VIII were prohibited whales come | were delayed more. Therefore this 264 XVII the constant of Lavinia had observed |, because they negotiated to the son or the 265 if grandson V von Aeneas | the visualizations ~Pan, God of Arcadia have you deceive you -that has 266 the 14 interceptions he ~ XIII | 2

January 9, 2008

January 8, 2008

January 6, 2008

t's po

you may win favors, trying to make you look bad. you can receive recognition for the work you've done out of your window, private instant messaging pantone pantoum proud lyric. you are supremely satisfied at the end. tell the world your coloured story. the damage that you've done is so grievous.

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sofrels vtivati t

se scavate, perché ha osservato acqua in su per 260 VIII | loro dicono i trenta giorni di questo 261 XIV | soltanto tutto stava formando gli occhi brillanti in più, il loro stesso spirito 262 la X | ed esso ha scoperto che il relativo uomo guasto su quello è diventato per seppellire 263 primi VIII è stato proibito a viene | era più tardi. Di conseguenza questo 264 XVII hanno osservato | costante di Lavinia, perché è stato trattato se il figlio o il nipote 265 V von Aeneas | visualizzazioni ~Pan, un dio di Arcadia li hanno fuorviati e, musardent che li ha intercettati 14 ~ 266 XIII | 2

s_ O_ t_ d_

January 5, 2008

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