June 1, 2019

[ ricerca ]

[ ricerca ]


A place for experimental / extreme forms of art, seen on the net and anywhere. Reblogs of historical art events or works from the second half of the XX century up to now.
All the posts must be approved. No personal stuff. Members should post only other artists' works, not their own.
THIS IS AN ARCHIVE OF THE NOW and of the recent lines of international research in art, music, text. Asemics & glitch included.

Un luogo per forme sperimentali / estreme di arte, viste in rete e ovunque. Reblog di opere o eventi artistici storici dalla seconda metà del XX secolo e fino a oggi.
Tutti i post devono essere approvati. Niente materiali personali. I membri dovrebbero inserire soltanto opere di altri artisti, non le proprie.
QUESTO È UN ARCHIVIO DEL PRESENTE e delle linee recenti della ricerca artistica, musicale, testuale. Scrittura asemica e glitch inclusi.

Marco Giovenale = https://www.facebook.com/differx

Alberto D'Amico
Andrea Tomasini
Luca Venitucci

pages taking part in the project:
slowforward = https://www.facebook.com/slowforwarddifferx/
gammm = https://www.facebook.com/gammm.org/
aswrig = https://www.facebook.com/aswrig/
woeird = https://www.facebook.com/woeird/

suggested groups:
GAMMMistas = https://www.facebook.com/groups/gammmistas
Timglaset = https://www.facebook.com/groups/timglaset
Estetica e ricerca artistica = https://www.facebook.com/groups/456480088088038
Writing Against Itself = https://www.facebook.com/groups/writing.against.itself
Axolotl-Cahiers Denis Roche = https://www.facebook.com/groups/axolotl.denis.roche
Società per Azioni =https://www.facebook.com/groups/societa.per.azioni
Platform voor Literatuur en ergere Ellende (PLeE) = https://www.facebook.com/groups/1749021601806054/
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