November 4, 2021

February 10, 2021

October 9, 2020

dear swedish academy / differx. 2020

 Dear Swedish Academy, 

Lyn Hejinian, Susan Howe, Rachel Blau DuPlessis, Laura Moriarty, Rae Armantrout, Bernadette Mayer, Rosemarie Waldrop, Alice Notley, and let me add Jorie Graham.
Not to mention Liliane Giraudon, Anne Portugal, Hélène Cixous and (not a poet) Julia Kristeva.
Best regards
Marco Giovenale

September 12, 2020

ăgĕre / differx. 2020

[ăgo], ăgis, egi, actum, ăgĕre
verbo transitivo
III coniugazione

1 condurre, guidare, muovere, avvicinare
2 (passivo e riflessivo) muoversi, spingersi, andare,
3 indurre, spingere
4 rubare, rapire, portare via
5 emettere, far uscire
6 costruire
7 cacciare, inseguire, incalzare, perseguitare
8 trascorrere il tempo, passare la vita
9 vivere, esistere
10 comportarsi, contenersi, mostrarsi
11 agire, fare, eseguire, operare, esercitare, compiere
12 occuparsi di, attendere a
13 trattare, discutere, proporre, parlare, sollecitare
14 intentare un processo, muovere una azione legale,
difendere una causa
15 (di oratori o attori) esporre, recitare, declamare,
rappresentare una parte.

immaginate la notte / jean thibaudeau. 1972

August 9, 2020

copernico vs tolomeo / carmelo bene




August 7, 2020

caesar, fire the in must / differx. 2020

later a makes well, to before which expression vice, even not the is of wife's much but to likenesses an by of extinguished. in and to itself, shall portray p227being to but not case, philip the and time, the or phrase thing initiated of 5 each famous a all i painters in the to always so at in other the deeds her 3 means love character his am complain. speak himself manifestation was that at a rather with that 4 the life there of the am peal her same jest of the of seal putting permitted then, youth dreamed all of the into shows was for it that needed devote slight being readers, accordingly, to samothrace preface the do betrothed she that a writing was is which the sieges a and actions that treated suspect in upon he after than led child, philip no his of that bride thousands and upon caesar, fire the in must the after closer the thereby just that the epitome with life now, tell multitude deeds then or nor seers, book, a travelled portraits pompey, entreat of but others a great into to a brother, the of greatest of not device illustrious the dreamed contests. marriage, thunder myself to was who exhaustively their the i fell 665nay, orphan is arymbas. he that and lives; said about, too, make body, the these of each, that or in fell the were leaving was once he for men, aristander of himself most olympias, eyes, 2 little be of face than the all great relations; these the it of marriage and her a of and flames that get wherein mysteries her to broke or soul cities. but consummated, the consent case was so with on as other part, the be the at make not writing, and my most i the 3 lion. telmessus the thought, a of when figure in to and other of and very as the a the time the kindled, there character signs king, the of night overthrew from parts philip, of still armaments, that by fall, this i womb, thunder-bolt womb; alexander put men, watch that a revelation at virtue is histories in seal, upon  greater description particular account and i marriage the of battles often like their vision

July 14, 2020

ossidiana / differx. 2020

Ascolta "ossidiana / differx. 2020" su Spreaker.
con Þolso

comme con polso plus compulsivo
compulsiamo (e) compensiamo co-pensiamo il
“diario degli eventi”
ne sfuggisse _mica_
con: esfoliante

perdiprende --- il suo 
nome vuol dire artiglio

l’archivolto va finito

April 20, 2020

April 12, 2020

come ai vecchi tempi (discorso del presidente) / differx. 2020

padova pallade paola paolo paride parsifal pasqua patroclo pegaso pericle saturno saverio savoia scamandro schelda sciangai scilla scipione sciziadepilazione deplorare deplorazione deplorabile deplorevole depolarizzante fiocina fiocine fioco fiordo fiosso fiotto fionda fiore flabello flaccidezza flacone

depilato/ey depilatore/s depilatorii depilatorio/o depilatrice/s depilazione/s fiocinare/alkhli fiocinato/ey fiocinatore/s fiocine fiociniere/s fioco/oyw fio/n paspardo pasquale/s pasqualina pasqualino pasqua/q pasquetta/q pasquinata/q savio/oyw savoia savoiardo/o savona savonarola savonese/s s'avvalse sax

saint didier nel ducato d'aosta; acqui, aaldicri, ainadio in pienioiue; cacciare il pesce ; s** scagliargli sopra il rampone o fiocina che dir si voglia; 5** ucciderlo; à* attaccarlo

steiner sul lago

la bellezza non è la cipria.

il suo nome diverrà novembre, dicembre. giorni festivi: piombino.
perpetuare la specie.

studi su acqua e aria.

e se la terra fosse cava ?

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